So just what is the unpardonable sin? I researched the scriptures over the past two years focusing mainly on the Holy Spirit and what scripture has to say about Him. And in doing so I found the phrase, “Taking the Lord’s name in vain.” We throw that around all the time and someone will say it and stick their finger in your face and wag it if you swear. But is this actually what that verse means?
Exodus 20:7 & Deuteronomy 5:11 both say, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” (RSV) Then there’s Matthew 12:32, “And whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” (RSV) Before that it phrases it as “blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” (NIV)
So for a while now I’ve been wondering, maybe . . . that’s why no one ever talks about the Holy Spirit nowadays unless they’re Pentacostal by denomination. (and if so, they are brave folk, eh?) I’m serious here. When was the last time you heard a sermon on being filled with the Holy Spirit, how to manifest the Holy Spirit, even fruits of the Holy Spirit?
So Jesus, God, was born as a man and walked physically on this earth, died, rose again and then ascended into heaven and when he left he sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us and to mature our faith and understanding of who God is, even praying for us when we don’t know how to pray. So He’s our go-to guy now, right? (I’m sitting here now, listening to the crickets chirping.)
I get that we need to know our history and that we need to embrace Jesus as our Savior for our salvation, but why, beyond that, are we not emphasizing reliance on the Holy Spirit once we have accepted Christ as Lord in our lives? If we believe John 14:26 – “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you,” shouldn’t we be seeking to be led by this Holy Spirit?
Or, like my initial reaction to this as a child, do we hide the Holy Spirit concept away, keep it hidden in a box surrounded by theology and religion and ignore it JUST IN CASE we accidentally do the unforgivable? And why does this reaction remind me so much of the modern day church? It has walls, a leader, supporters, followers, but in so many, many cases NO Holy Spirit! We have meetings, Bible studies, but no one is seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit! I’ve even been told by some that He no longer speaks that way to His people.
And then I am reminded of the one group of people that Jesus reacted so harshly to – the religious leaders. Sure, a few of them came to know Him and believe, but most were actually the ones who plotted against the Messiah they should have recognized, arrested the One they should have welcomed, demonized the one they should have worshipped. If you read the gospels, He touched people of all walks of life and ages with His presence and they believed and were changed. But the religious leaders, the “keepers of His Word” had to have Him explain that Word to them and even then, they refused to accept Him.
If we study God’s Word, attend worship services, lead Bible Studies, and sing His praises, but we don’t actually allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, then aren’t we like the ones mentioned in the Gospels? It would be better for us that a millstone would be tied around our necks and we were plunged into the depths of the sea! We have the appearance of belief, but no actual Presence in our lives from the Holy One, who is to lead us, guide us and teach us in this present age.
So I return to “taking the Lord’s Name in vain.” I grew up understanding that this meant swearing by using any name of the Lord – a commandment breaker. But that’s not what this really means at all now, is it?
How about this: we “take the Lord’s Name” as our moniker – as a pastor, an elder, a deacon, a worship leader, a CHRISTIAN – and then we ignore much of what scripture has to say, allow a lack of integrity to filter in, perhaps include much of what our culture proclaims as truth and declare it to be God’s Word. No matter how you might think this is a rare occurrence, in my nearly sixty years on this earth, sadly many, many churches are led this way. Is it any wonder that people have lost interest in attending church? I mean, what’s the point if you are suppose to submit yourself to those of selfish intent who badger you to lead programs and fill positions, but do little to actually care about who you are? Who think of their paycheck and their pride above the integrity of the gospel and the main commandment Christ calls us to obey . . . love our Lord and love His people (our neighbor, no matter who that might be – not just Christians.)
When Love is not the defining characteristic of someone who claims to be a Christian, then isn’t everything they do and say of a selfish nature? And if so, what makes them different than those around them who do not profess to belong to Christ? If our churches are led by those who have fallen so far – perhaps were never there to begin with – or GOODNESS! – were heading in that direction until they attended seminary . . . well, then our churches are nothing more than glorified business clubs at best, bordering on cults at their worst.
Distancing ourselves from the Holy Spirit means we lack discernment, that even if we study the Bible and know all its in’s and out’s, we do not internalize the Truth contained within it and therefore do not reflect the Truth in our actions, in our thoughts, in our leadership. Our “sheep” are to be conformed to the type of sheep we WANT to lead, not the sheep which God has led to our fold. Sheep to be known and loved and encouraged. Sheep who have our respect and may have much to teach us about Faith as well.
Honestly, I had begun to doubt if the modern day church could even begin to approximate what the scriptures taught about “churches” and had begun to look into home churches. Fortunately in response to my prayers on this subject, the Lord led me to a congregation which is led by those who truly believe the Scriptures – not an impression of the Word of God, but what it actually says. And because it is led by those who seek to be led by the Holy Spirit, exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit in their daily lives, well . . . the whole church leads in this way. Because scripture teaches us that EACH OF US are the body of Christ, each of us makes up the church, sharing our particular gifts and no one of us is superior, or “in charge” or has more revelation than the rest of us.
It is an amazing organism. And a scary one for someone who likes to lead as one in control. What scripture intends and instructs us to do is to study scripture, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, to pray individually and as groups, to encourage each other with our words, our deeds and with songs and music, and to devote ourselves to the community of believers. Not a building – though one may use such a devise – the community. Love for one another in the community, building one another up, providing for each other – that is what draws others to Christ, because that is a dim reflection of the magnitude of love and care we receive from Him.
So one community may look vastly different from another simply because the people the Lord has drawn together in that community have different gifts and talents, different levels of prosperity, different needs. AND each community that truly reflects Christ is connected to all the other communities and they each support and encourage each other as they are able. The leadership of the Holy Spirit is the key here – not the charisma of a human leader, not the knowledge of a human leader, not the rules of a human leader . . . as the pastor, the elders, the deacons, the flower committee, the youth leader, the janitor, the hospitality committee, EVERYONE is following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is the ONE leader who sees all, knows all, can coordinate all – without blinking for a millisecond!
As I watch this new community of believers grow and mature and transform, serving each other, serving the community around them, serving the servers who dedicate time to influence them with their specific learning – as the Spirit leads them – I see an amazing miraculous, God honoring community that no man can claim as his own badge of honor, but all can claim to give Christ the glory as they see their own story of sanctification unfold before them, encouraged by those around them to grow more, or as C.S. Lewis in The Last Battle expresses it, “Come further up, come further in!”
It’s not a program; it’s not a system; it’s not dependent on a human person – it is a living, breathing, growing, God-breathed community of believers unlike any other. In such a community, no one person is expected to make everything happen – no small set of people even, but the whole “church” is collectively made up of each person contributing his or her gifts, ideas, their creative life blood, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, so that the programs and services ebb and flow as the needs of that particular community ebb and flow.
I know – you’re sitting there thinking, “That’s great in theory, but it can’t ever happen in real life.” I would have said the same a year or two ago before actually watching it in action. While it is scary from the perspective of a pastor who sees the failure or growth of the church as a reflection on his (or her) work, as I watch this happening and effecting my life and those around me, I am amazed and blown away by the miraculous hand of God weaving in and out of our lives.
So, I ask: are you taking Christ’s name in vain? Or are you letting your life be led by the power of the Holy Spirit? The same power that raised Christ from the dead?
Do you truly believe? Or are you just handing out lip service and making Christ look bad?!! ‘Cause apparently the consequences are dire indeed . . . and permanent. Take inventory now, pray now, seek His face now while He can be found, because if you do not – you may be a “goat!” (And unless you’re Tom Brady, that’s not a good thing! lol)