Category: General Ragging

  • Hard Choices

    I haven’t been writing either my books or my blogs for a while.  Life sometimes interferes with creativity.  Not necessarily bad life or good life, but busy – it gets too much and the creative side of me just says – enough! I’ve been dealing with a lot of situations in which the people, well,…

  • Father’s Day Rant or God Bless America!

    It’s Father’s Day weekend – so I got to thinking.  Bothered kind of thinking, you know? You see, I know a Father.  He’s brilliant, witty, kind, and was almost a second Dad to me when I was growing up.  He’s getting on in years.  He’s a slight bit older than my own Dad.  And he…

  • That Gentle Fruit

    Philippians 4:4-7 “Rejoice in the Lord always!  And again, I say, rejoice!  Let your gentleness be known to all.  The Lord is near.  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God, and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts…

  • With Christ There is Always Hope!

    I recently posted about choosing to stay married and how heartbreaking it is to me that so many of my Christian friends are choosing to not stay married.  People are broken.  I get that all too well.  And some of my closest, dearest brothers and sisters in Christ have been divorced and survived the scars…

  • “Mahwig, that Bwessed Awangment”

        Hubby is always posting adorable pics of us with lavish words of love for me in his facebook posts.  People comment, usually exclaiming over what a perfect couple we are and how Hubby certainly found the perfect mate.  It’s very affirming to be seen in such a positive light.  I’m kinda glad facebook was…

  • Blogging

    I love blogs.  Usually light hearted ones that make me laugh, not taking themselves too seriously, but hitting on important life issues.  However, I have one nit picking annoyance with all of them – they are obviously not proofread. Is it too much to ask for a blogger to actually read what they write before…

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